Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dislike Facebook button to be done


facebook do not stop making more buttons, of coureses that is a fight between Twitter and Facebook, who is more fame and better for us as clients.

Thinking now of making more like buttons but for votting, means if you like a post of story that you like in facebook then you may vote not like, so they are doing a vote button in addition to like button that is already in the page, these are gossips only but I expect facebook to go for it and do this new button though its not useful as the like button is the same.

the other button they are thinking of is the dislike button, so are you happy or not to have a button that will make you dislike the silly things that you may see in facebook??
I guess its not really worthy to have dislike button as you can just leave the post or igonre it.

Facebook people think that this is good to encourage good writing but is it???